# ask-the-community
https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/deployment/configuration/auth_setup.html#oauth2-authorization-server states that there are default clients defined in https://github.com/flyteorg/flyteadmin/pull/168/files#diff-1267ff8bd9146e1c0ff22a9e9d53cfc56d71c1d47fed9905f95ed4bddf930f8eR74-R100 but the link does not appear to go to anything specific, and I do not see any client info contained there… I am trying to use Flyte without a custom Authorization Server, but components like Scheduler and Propeller are unable to authenticate… Does anyone have more complete info / instructions about how that is supposed to work? Should it work out of the box, or does it require some kind of additional config?
@Shannon Carey what are you using as your oauth2 provider?
okta? or something like that - auth0, keycloak?
Okta, but I cannot create my own Authorization Service
you dont have to
okta has an authorization service
just disable flyte's authorizer and use oktas
we use that for union cloud
and at Lyft and a few other companies
I assumed that would not work because it does not have the “all” and “offline” scopes mentioned in the instructions?
you will need to create a new client app in the okta console for propeller and flytectl if you want to use it
right, I see that in the instructions