Hello everyone! We have contributor's meetup this...
# contribute
Hello everyone! We have contributor's meetup this week. A couple of items to consider in preparation for the session and to make the most out of our time: • 2 proposals in the FCP are now considered Accepted (no significant objection was raised). ◦ System tags proposal ▪︎ It needs at least 3 approvals from Steering Committee members before we merge ▪︎ Is it already being implemented? ◦ Config overrides ▪︎ It needs 2 additional approvals from SC members before we merge It's all about observing the current RFC process, creating a habit that will be useful as we scale 🙂 • I'm proposing a new section in the agenda giving a quick overview to 2-3 new issues labelled as
good first issue
help wanted
to surface new contribution opportunities • Also adding to the agenda a section for Working Groups to provide a summarized a-la-standup update on progress and potential roadblocks Your comments are appreciated Thanks!