Is there any information on requirements for inter...
# flyte-deployment
Is there any information on requirements for internal
and corresponding
define here ? Or if there is a recommended way to generate these?
sorry @Yee I also have the same question I can help with docs/guide for this. Besides the comment in the chart, still unsure on what are accepted formats/options for those keys
no i don’t think so. just make one.
the only restriction is yaml.
i’d stick to normal characters, shouldn’t have new lines or anything in there
david has the bcrypt command documented if you need for the hash
@Michael Tinsley that would be
Copy code
pip install bcrypt && python -c 'import bcrypt; import base64; print(base64.b64encode(bcrypt.hashpw("<your_client-secret>".encode("utf-8"), bcrypt.gensalt(6))))'
Thats great, thank you both - I will give that a shot 👍
Sorry for the delay but 🙌 Auth is working for me now, however I am having issues with flytectl with OIDC… according to the documentation it should be picked up, but I’m getting a 464 response (apparently an AWS ALB custom response) - I’m digging into it now, but is there any obvious thing I might be missing? And @David Espejo (he/him), I’d be happy to make a PR to your
repo with the auth setup if that would be helpful?
@Michael Tinsley I'm glad you're moving closer. I will have a PR soon with instructions in the repo and will add you as reviewer if you don't mind Regarding the 464 error, how's your ingress configured, or what's the output of
kubectl get ingress -n <your-namespace>
Yep sounds good, thank you 👍 This is the current configuration