Hi everyone! I just created this channel to excha...
# flyte-on-gcp
Hi everyone! I just created this channel to exchange knowledge and learnings running Flyte on GCP. Feel free to add anyone you know is also a GCP user @Ariel Kaspit is facing issues in the following situation: 1. Deployed `flyte-core`chart succesfully 2. Requires to enable developers to access Flyte through flytectl with PKCE but when they try, they get
errors (described here) 3. They're using the native GKE ingress controller, including the
<http://cloud.google.com/app-protocols|cloud.google.com/app-protocols>: '{"grpc":"HTTP2"}'
annotation. Not sure if that's enough for Ingress to route gRPC traffic @Fabio Grätz I remember you're using Flyte on GCP, so I was wondering if you had ideas/recommendations from your experience Thanks!