I got: ```{"asctime": "2023-05-16 14:16:33,972", "...
# ask-the-community
I got:
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  "asctime": "2023-05-16 14:16:33,972",
  "name": "flytekit",
  "levelname": "ERROR",
  "message": "Error from command '['aws', 's3', 'cp', '--acl', 'bucket-owner-full-control', '/var/folders/xn/j7gcmr5j12b7jy0nm2kfykhm0000gp/T/flytex7wgfw1z/control_plane_metadata/local_flytekit/2461a0641858e66c16dc8214fffdb4b7', '<s3://my-s3-bucket/data/c36474e9b9ca42edb35ba64e2d17bab1/2461a0641858e66c16dc8214fffdb4b7']'>:\nb'upload failed: ../../../../var/folders/xn/j7gcmr5j12b7jy0nm2kfykhm0000gp/T/flytex7wgfw1z/control_plane_metadata/local_flytekit/2461a0641858e66c16dc8214fffdb4b7 to <s3://my-s3-bucket/data/c36474e9b9ca42edb35ba64e2d17bab1/2461a0641858e66c16dc8214fffdb4b7> An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied\\n'\n"
which version of flytekit are you using? IIRC, there are some issues with uploading file in flytekit 1.4
@Kevin Su, we are using flytekit==1.2.4 CC: @karthikraj
only this workflow failed? or all other workflows failed as well.
Only this workflow is having a input param of type dict. All others have simple str or int as input, therefore no need to upload as files.
just test it. this is a bug in flytekit v1.2.4, but there is another issue in flytekit v1.6. will create a pr shortly
@Kevin Su, I believe I'm looking at the same error as well. I tested it on flytekit 1.5.0 https://flyte-org.slack.com/archives/CP2HDHKE1/p1684297314863949?thread_ts=1683861857.343639&amp;cid=CP2HDHKE1
I fixes it here, but you can’t use default input for now since
doesn’t use dataproxy to upload data. this is another issue, we’ll fix it.
@Kevin Su @Samhita Alla, thank you very much!
Hi @Kevin Su, Which flyte version has this feature working? I need this feature. Therefore I will re-test if you’ve got it released. Thanks!
Thanks @Kevin Su, Right now I am using:
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Do I need to upgrade the version of flytekitplugins to the same as flytekit version? And do I need to change the pandas version?
1.2.4 is a bit old, I suggest upgrade them as well.
but I think it should work as well if you don’t upgrade them.
Thanks Kevin.
and make sure to use flyteidl==1.5.8. The latest flytekit is not compatible with latest flyteidl (1.5.9)
Thanks. @Kevin Su, The reason I chose version 1.2.4 of flyte is because I had to build a custom image with spark. So I used this as part of my dependency req txt files. https://github.com/flyteorg/flytesnacks/blob/master/cookbook/integrations/kubernetes/k8s_spark/requirements.txt
I realize if I upgrade flyte version, I need to figure out the upgraded k8s_spark requirements.txt. Otherwise, I cannot upgrade flyte along without breaking the dependencies in my k8s_spark/requirements.txt
Could you point me to where the latest k8s_spark req txt file is?
Try to use imageSpec, it’s a new feature in flytekit. you don’t need to build an image for spark anymore. https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/pull/1616
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spark_image = ImageSpec(registry="<docker_id>", packages=["pandas", "numpy"])
@Kevin Su, I need to upgrade the flyte remote server to also have flytekit upgraded to v1.6.2, not only locally, is that correct?
@Kevin Su, just to clarify regarding not needing to build an image for spark. I need to build a custom image because I have custom dependencies. I do pyflyte run --remote --image with my custom image. And that’s why I built custom image with spark. Do you think I can remove the spark from my custom image now since I can use ImageSpec to run spark tasks?
yes, you can use imageSpec for the spark task. You can still install custom dependencies in ImageSpec, but you don’t need to install spark dependencies yourself. imageSpec will use spark-base-image, and install you custom packages on top of it
here is a doc in flytesnacks, we’ll merge the doc soon
Thanks @Kevin Su. You told me to upgrade to flytekit 1.6.2 for a bug fix. Does it mean I need to upgrade flytekit in the flyte remote server also to 1.6.2, not only locally?
flyte remote server
you mean flyteadmin, flytepropeller?
those deployments don’t need to be upgraded
You mean flytekit, flyteidl, etc. are not installed on the flyter remote server?
I am not the flyte remote server administrator, therefore I am not aware of that.
@Kevin Su
flytekit is only used in the task pods and local (for local execution). The remote server is written by golang, which is in a different repo.
Thanks @Kevin Su. I have custom dependencies that is private to my organization and is in a private repository (in one of two repos, e.g. https://maven.homebox.com/repository/max-pypi-snapshots, & https://maven.homebox.com/repository/max-pypi-releases). How do I add them in the ImageSpec?
ImageSpec(packages=[“max-pypi”, ….])
@Kevin Su, how will ImageSpec know where to find packages from max-pypi? Where do I specify the repo url https://maven.homebox.com/repository?
sorry, if you are trying to download it from others pypi, it’s not supported. I’ll add it to imageSpec