Hello, is it possible to use Cloud Events feature ...
# ask-the-community
Hello, is it possible to use Cloud Events feature with bundled Flyte sandbox? I am able to run the cluster and I can see that it connects to Kafka, however there are no events being produced when workflows executions happen. Thanks in advance!
I can share some details. I'va added a following config section to flyte-sandbox pod:
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      enable: true
      type: kafka
        brokers: flyte-sandbox-kafka-cluster:9093
        version: "3.3.1"
        topicName: "flyte_event"
          - all
Service flyte-sandbox-kafka-cluster:9093 is available, I checked it with telnet. Kafka also works fine:
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kafka-get-offsets.sh  --bootstrap-server=flyte-sandbox-kafka-cluster:9093 --topic=flyte_event
This snippet is from Kafka pod itself. If I change cloudEvents.kafka.brokers to something not available, then Flyte doesn't start with an error so I assume with config above it connects successfuly. How can I troubleshoot this problem? Will be appreciated for any assistance!
will flyte send event to kafka if broker config is set correctly? you can check the log in the flyte-binary pod, there might have some error messages.
No, it doesn't and that's the problem. I cannot find any messages related to cloud events in flyte-binary pod logs.
I think I've found an issue and it was not related to Flyte setup 🙂