Hi! Are there any instructions on how to add an ad...
# ask-the-community
Hi! Are there any instructions on how to add an additional k8s resource in the gcp values
section here? I tried adding a
resource, but it didn't work. Not sure if there's a special naming convention for the key, or some missing permissions perhaps.
I've searched slack, and see I may need to add rbac rules in the values file to allow the "cluster resource manager" to allow it to provision things?
cc @jeev / @Yee
rolebindings should be allowed according to this: https://github.com/flyteorg/flyte/blob/c66d37ca9fce42ffb4a0c1550583665873862b0a/charts/flyte-core/templates/admin/rbac.yaml#L37 what serviceaccount is the cluster resource manager using?
@jeev is the cluster resource manager running in flyteadmin? I see flyteadmin is using a service account bound to the clusterrole you linked above
Also, wondering if the template key names have some naming convention that needs to be followed..notice there is "aa_, or ab_" etc prefixes
there is an option to run it standalone or part of flyteadmin i believe. the naming convention is for sorting purposes. if you don't care about order of creation, it shouldnt matter.
ah okay I found the issue, the cluster resource manager was trying to create a rolebinding with a role which it didn't have access to. The creation of the rolebinding worked after I gave the flyteadmin sa access to the relevant role. Thanks for your help @jeev