Are office hours still happening on Wednesday morn...
# ask-the-community
Are office hours still happening on Wednesday mornings? I get a webpage with the content shown in the attached image when i click the join button from this page: Super interested in learning from the experts!
Hey @David Muraco, so sorry about the confusion on this! I know we recently moved to a "sign up" style for office hours where the idea is that users can ask to have someone present for office hours. We did this because we noticed for some of the slots (early morning especially) we were committing resources every week and attendance was relatively low. @David Espejo (he/him) how do you community members sign up for office hours?
hi @David Muraco where did you got the addevent link? was it from yesterday's community sync deck? I noticed live it was wrong This is the correct and only way right now to schedule office hours sessions: Let us know if you need additional help
I got addevent from clicking on the this link:
thanks for catching it. Will update that page