Hi all, a flyte-newbie here , I want to write a wo...
# ask-the-community
Hi all, a flyte-newbie here , I want to write a workflow that runs the same task sequentially in a workflow. Any thoughts/pointers to examples as to how I can do this in Flyte? For example, here is a dummy case where I want to run the task โ€˜add_1โ€™ sequentially, currently flute would run these simultaneously As there is no dependency between 2 calls
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Def add_1(n : float) -> float:
	return n + 1

Def some_name():
	# I want these two steps to run sequentially instead of parallel
	c1 = add_1(1.0)
	c2 = add_1(2.0)
chaining tasks might be more appropriate here
Thanks! ill look into these. An additional question that comes to my mind is if chaining would be possible in a loop. For example, how could I create dependency or chain in this case :
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Def some_name():
	# I want these two steps to run sequentially instead of parallel
	for item in list:
Interesting idea, it might not be possible to use list inside workflow, does
has a predefined values or will it be determined at runtime? because workflow is evaluated during registration. You might be able to do that in dynamic task @Ketan (kumare3) any insight ๐Ÿ˜…
The list can be predefined this case. Im more curious about if we can introduce chaining/dependency on subsequent calls of the same
in a loop
i wonder if this works ๐Ÿ˜†
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result = SOME VALUE
for item in list:
    result = add_1(item, result)
never though about this before
๐Ÿ˜… can give it a shot! my hunch is that since flyte is an acyclic graph, this closed loop dependency will be not possible? unless there is some way to wait/sleep until a task finishes
Does wait_for_input(..) help here @Jay Ganbat or @Ketan (kumare3)
I havenโ€™t used this construct before, but very curious to understand ๐Ÿ˜„
@Visak / @Jay Ganbat as long as the list is predefined chaining should work - just need to create node or use promise chaning - capture it in a local Variable. I will try to write an example later If you want list to be dynamic, then you have to use dynamic workflows
Wait for input does not provide inputs on which you can iterate in a workflow - you only get a promise. You can materialize the promise in a task and then run it in dynamic
Thanks! Yes, an example would be super helpful here !
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x: will be different for every run 

for i in range(x):
        splits = split_inputs(inputs=input_tasks,s=i)
        r = flytekit.map_task(
@Ketan (kumare3) - I want flytekit.map_task(..) to be launched once, wait for r , append to result and again call flytekit.map_task(..) for x times. But currently all map_tasks are launched x times, all at once.
hmm then the code should look different right?
that is implicit dependency
Crazily this works!!!
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from flytekit import task, workflow, map_task, dynamic
import typing

def square(i: int) -> int:
    return i*i

def splits(i: int) -> typing.List[int]:
   return list(range(i))

def join(new_v: typing.List[int], v: typing.List[int]) -> typing.List[int]:
   return v

def do(i: int, x: int, v: typing.List[int]) -> typing.List[int]:
    s = splits(i=i)
    new_v = map_task(square)(i=s)
    v = join(new_v=new_v, v=v)
    if i == x - 1:
       return v
    return do(i=i+1, x=x, v=v)

def wf(x: int):
    do(i=1, x=x, v=[])
cc @varsha Parthasarathy
cc @Niels Bantilan / @Eduardo Apolinario (eapolinario) / @Yee And interesting i got it right in one go - in vim ๐Ÿ˜„. hmmm, functional programming @varsha Parthasarathy at this point what you need is async workflows. Something that we are working / specing now
Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 10.09.52 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 10.10.11 PM.png
Whoa that is crazy but awesome ๐Ÿคฃ
This is pretty dope! thanks
Haha, but not very performant
Also cc @James Sutton and @Evan Sadler