Has anyone encountered the error when using Sub-Wo...
# ask-the-community
Has anyone encountered the error when using Sub-Workflow that they might not
even though the workflow failed? I think it’s only a UI error but we have subworflows that are still in
stage even though the main workflow has now failed. I don’t see any pods in the cluster either.
List of pods in the namespace associated with this project
Copy code
❯ k get pods 
NAME                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
ajrs5vwphfsx2sj9ldmq-n0-0   0/1     Completed   0          175m
ajrs5vwphfsx2sj9ldmq-n1-0   0/1     Completed   0          175m
ajrs5vwphfsx2sj9ldmq-n2-0   0/1     Completed   0          175m
ajrs5vwphfsx2sj9ldmq-n3-0   0/1     Completed   0          173m
aq8pt9rjwpssjw7whvsq-n0-0   0/1     Completed   0          24h
aq8pt9rjwpssjw7whvsq-n1-0   0/1     Completed   0          24h
avp8s7qxhgtpw7ckz2gv-n0-0   0/1     Completed   0          10h
avp8s7qxhgtpw7ckz2gv-n1-0   0/1     Completed   0          10h
azc4p4n9g9k8q4bdg767-n0-0   0/1     Completed   0          10h
azc4p4n9g9k8q4bdg767-n1-0   0/1     Completed   0          10h
I couldn’t find anything in the flyteconsole issue so I might be wrong though
@Stephen this seems to be a UI bug - based on the pod dump the subworkflow is not currently running. however, the status' may not be updating correctly - thanks for reporting this!
thanks for confirming, let me know if you need me to create an issue or anything 😄
[flyte-bug] would be great! thanks!
Should I create one in FlyteConsole instead?
I think the link is the correct place. I say a UI bug, but I suspect the UI is displaying exactly what is stored. The issue probably occurs in the eventing between FlytePropeller and FlyteAdmin, or in this case the lack thereof.
Cc @Jason Porter fyi