I’m trying to run multiple flyte deployments in on...
# ask-the-community
I’m trying to run multiple flyte deployments in one k8s cluster. Besides having dedicated resources, such as db, s3… Do I need to set anything else other than configmap.core.propeller.limit-namespace and configmap.core.propeller.leader-election.lock-config-map.namespace?
May I know why you're trying to run multiple Flyte deployments in a single cluster?
We have multiple non-prod environments deployed in one cluster (namespaced) and it makes my life easier if I can just deploy flyte with that env rather than worry about having one global installation in sync for all envs.
Oh I'm not sure if this is a preferred approach. A single Flyte deployment should suffice most of the use cases (you may have to resort to multi-cluster deployment if your compute exceeds the limits of a single K8s cluster.) Also, what do you mean by global installation in sync?
I imagined it isn’t preferred, indeed. By global install in sync I just mean one cluster-wide flyte deployment supporting X environments.